Simplest Sourdough


  1. Levain (Preferment made from your Starter) 80gm (Baker Percentage: 20%)   (1:2:2)
  2. Water 280gm (Baker Percentage: 70%)
  3. White Bread Flour 400gm (Baker Percentage: 100%)
  4. Salt 8gm (Baker Percentage: 2%)



Preparing Levain

  • Mix 40gm of water and 40gm of flour with 20gm of your starter, that is, 1:2:2 ratio of Starter:Flour:Water
  • Let it rise till it nearly becomes double the size. It should be active (bubbly) before you mix it to your dough. 


  • Dissolve levain thoroughly into water in a mixing bowl
  • Add flour and mix lightly just enough so as to ensure no dry flour remain 
  • Leave the dough for an hour (Autolyse Period)



  • Add Salt and knead the dough for about 5~10 minutes (dough will be very sticky)
  • Leave the dough for 30 minutes
  • Give a light fold and let the dough rest further for 30 minutes
  • Stretch and fold the dough 3 or 4 times every 45 minutes till the dough grows up to 1.5 times in volume
Stretch and fold


  • Dust the upper layer of the dough with flour and turn it over on your counter
  • Gently spread the dough and fold it nicely and place it on a banneton (don't forget to gently dust the inner linen of the banneton with flour)


  • Wrap the banneton (a plastic bag or a shower cap works) and keep your dough on your refrigerator overnight (for at least 12 hours).


  • Turn over your dough and score it with a blade (or a sharp knife) at 45 degree of the surface plane


  • Preheat your oven at 250C
  • Place the dough in an iron cast pan (Dutch Oven) and cover it with a lid
  • Bake for 25 minutes
  • Take off the lid of the pan, reduce the oven temp to 230C and bake further for 20 minutes
  • Take the pan out of your oven and let the bread cool for at least 1 or 2 hours before you slice it.


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